The position of jurisprudential research in the Shiismt from the objective research direction An analytical study


  • Dr. Asaad Abdul-Razzaq Tomah Al-Asadi University of Kufa - Faculty of Jurisprudence



Ijtihad, religious text, Imami jurisprudence


Ijtihad, as a human practice for understanding the religious text, is one of the areas subject to development and change within the framework of the development of sciences and knowledge. Imami jurisprudence is independent of those scientific developments that ijtihad went through. Rather, it had its own position regarding it. One of the most prominent things that was noticed by Imami scholars is the intentional approach in ijtihad. In the past there were some references and recently there were specialized studies, but the final position remained somewhat ambiguous. What, therefore, the research dealt with the jurisprudential vision of the Imamiyya jurists towards the intentional direction, as well as the theoretical alternatives adopted by the Imami jurists in order to fill the legislative void and what is not stipulated in it. Important details that would remove some of the ambiguity to determine the position that can be sought to some extent among many Imami scholars regarding the common epistemology of the two approaches Front and back



How to Cite

أ.م.د اسعد عبد الرزاق طعمه الأسدي, “The position of jurisprudential research in the Shiismt from the objective research direction An analytical study”, مِراس, vol. 3, no. 1, Apr. 2023.


