Resolving the conflict between male emirates according to Al-Khoei


  • Dr. Zayn al-Abidin Al-Ghurafi University of Warith Alanbbiyaa / College of Islamic Sciences



Conflict, solution, Emirates, Al-Rijaliyah, Al-Sayyid Al-Khoei


The researcher relied on the analytical approach in explaining the opinion of Alsayid Al-Khoei in dealing with men's evidences, whether they indicate what is required alone or are opposed to others. And this contradiction is sometimes stable so that it cannot be lifted, and at other times it is not stable so that it is possible to combine with it the denominator of the antagonism, as a number of scholars went to the possibility of customary combining the words of the men and their sayings, such as carrying the absolute on the restricted or the general on the specific, while Alsayid Al-Khoei sees his abstention  To multiplicity of speaker leading to multiplicity of will. Then the researcher exposed to the statement of the primary rule in the contradictory and came to the fact that it is a precipitation, so every two evidence is equal in the directions of the breasts, the significance and the aspect, they fall off and he refers to the generalities above, and if he is not found, then he returns to the original, and since the authenticity of justice has not been proven, the narrator remains in his ignorance unless evidence is presented.  Another on the trust or weakness.

Yes, the well-known narrators, including Alsayid Al-Khoei, went to prove the weighting between the sayings of the narrators in what is known as the secondary rule. The weighting is either with the characteristics of the narrator or with the abundance of one of the parties, or with any weighting that necessitates trust or reassurance in the weighting.



How to Cite

Al-Ghurafi م. . د. ز. ا. ا. ., “Resolving the conflict between male emirates according to Al-Khoei”, مِراس, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 100–128, Oct. 2023.


