The endowment formula according to Sheikh Abbas bin Hassan bin Jaafar Kashif Al-Ghita, who died in the year (1323 AH) In his manuscript, Manhal Al-Ghamam, explaining the laws of Islam, The Book of Endowments


  • Researcher: Ghayath Jahel Kadhim University of Kufa / College of Jurisprudence
  • Dr.MUhannad Mustafa Jamaliddin University of Kufa / College of Jurisprudence



Sheikh Abbas bin Hassan Kashif Al-Ghita, Endowment, Charity, Offer and Acceptance, Capture in Endowment


The research presents the investigation of an important manuscript that contains special provisions for endowment, and the title of the research is tagged (The formula for endowment from the manuscript (Manhal Al-Ghamam fi Sharh Al-Islam, The Book of Endowments and Charities), written by Sheikh Abbas Ibn Al-Sheikh Hassan Ibn Al-Sheikh Al-Akbar Jaafar Kashif Al-Ghita (author of the manuscript) who died (d. 1223 AH) .As the researcher stopped at the definition of the endowment, which is: a contract whose fruit is the confinement of the original and the release of the benefit, and it is ((the confinement of the origin and the way to the fruit)) with a special formula for it: (And the explicit wording in it is: I stood and nothing else. And the formula and the explicit wording of the endowment (I stood), and the other words related to it, He presented the opinions of jurists on the issue of offer and acceptance, the requirement of kinship, and whether arrest therein is a condition for validity. Then we explained the rulings on endowment that were mentioned in the manuscript, then we returned the narrations to their sources.



How to Cite

الباحث: غياث جاهل كاظم and أ. د: مهند مصطفى جمال الدين, “The endowment formula according to Sheikh Abbas bin Hassan bin Jaafar Kashif Al-Ghita, who died in the year (1323 AH) In his manuscript, Manhal Al-Ghamam, explaining the laws of Islam, The Book of Endowments”, مِراس, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 78–99, Oct. 2023.


